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cicero.de: netzwerkdurchsuchungsgesetz
Idealerweise sollen volksverhetzende und verleumderische Äußerungen zu 100 Prozent verschwinden, und zwar unverzüglich nach der ersten Meldung durch Nutzer oder „Beschwerdestellen“ wie jugendschutz.net. Für solch eine Planerreichungsquote greift der Entwurf zu problematischen juristischen Instrumenten.
3sat.de: rainald grebe bei pufpaffs happy hour
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hbr.org: pressure doesn’t have to turn into stress
The process starts with understanding that stress is caused not by other people or external events, but by your reactions to them. In the workplace, many people blame their high anxiety levels on a boss, job, deadlines, or competing commitments for their time. But peers who face the same challenges do so without stress. Derek and I often meet executives who have high levels of pressure but low levels of stress, and vice versa.
Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to macOS applications and large binaries alike.
soundcloud.com: monika kruse NYE (berlin, 2016/17)
Recorded LIVE on NYE 2016/17 @ Arena Berlin.